Friday, April 27, 2007

I take it back!

I decided about a month ago to have knee surgery. I have a bad knee. I mean really bad. As in, the last time I wsa in therapy for it, my therapist looked at me with wonder in his eyes and said "how old are you????" I have an 80-year-old knee in a 35-year-old body. So. After conferring with my orthopedic surgeon and looking at options, I came to the conclusion that this knee surgery was the best option for trying to replace some cartiledge and reducing the daily pain.

I take it back. On Wednesday, I underwent a procedure known as a microfracture. The pain in my knee right now is fairly minimal. The pain in the ASS factor, however??? Geez. I can't get around the house. I can't go grocery shopping. My arms hurt from supporting the weight of my body on crutches. I can't turn over in bed without wincing. Sigh.

I know this will pass, and I have every reason to believe that it will significantly improve my quality of life for quite a while. But oy. Right now, that painful-but-mobile life that I had just a few days ago is looing better.


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